Contact Amy
Contact Josh Bales

This is part one of season three finale of the Wednesdays With Watson podcast, and a portion of Amy’s story never published anywhere else.

Purity Culture messaging, particularly in Generation X has served to harm more than help. This episode highlights a first hand account of how constant bombardment of purity culture messaging affected Amy as a survivor of sexual abuse. While she is clear on this episode that the Bible does, in fact, teach sexual purity, it is important to deliver the message to young people in a way that takes into account that 1:4 girls are sexually abused, and 1:7 boys share the same experience (though probably vastly under reported).

This episode chronicles the day that Amy finally decided to address this is her counselor’s office and the healing that came from that session. It provides hope for any one of you out there listening that live with shame of sexual abuse for any reason, but particularly as a result of purity culture messaging . Shame does not belong to you and is a tool our our enemy. We want you to heal just like Amy has!

This is an incredibly vulnerable episode, safe for young ears, and listeners are left with the Hope of the completed work of Jesus on the cross, as you are literally taken through Amy’s healing and release of shame and guilt meant only to destroy her.

Special thanks to Josh Bales, whose song “Isn’t That Amazing Grace” is featured at the end of the episode with just a taste of the message at the beginning of the podcast. You can find all of Josh’s music at his website, he is prolific songwriter and musician and we are incredibly grateful he allowed us to use his song on this episode.

“Come out sinners from those shadows every corner of your shame, don’t you know you are His beloved, you don’t have to hide your face, isn’t that amazing grace?”

This episode will be followed up in two weeks with Dr. Thomas Petit’s perspective of the healing session that allowed Amy to put her felt shame and guilt behind her. This is the solo finale of season three, a season where we have focused on childhood trauma.

If we left the 99 to find the one for this episode, every tear shed on this episode is worth it.

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