"Leaving is just the beginning. When someone leaves an abusive marriage, life isn’t instantly fixed. The road to healing after domestic abuse is exhausting. But that exit is the first decisive step toward a future of strength and bravery. "--Karen DeArmond Gardner

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What does forgiveness mean? What doesn't it mean? How can we get freedom from all the pain of the trauma? This episode is raw and real and it addresses domestic violence and child abandonment.  But it also tells the story of an important component to successful transactions of forgiveness.

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Survivors of childhood abuse often never learn to regulate their nervous system. This is abundantly clear in the lives of survivors who have thrived professionally. Marley is a great example, and she has wisdom for you, so you don't have to go the route of the burnout.

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Living as His Beloved What if we lived in the fulness of who God made us? We know from scripture that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In all of the world, there is not a single soul that is like you; God imagined and made each of us or His honor and His glory.

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